#Struggling for a fairer society since 1994

In Herogra Especiales we set ourselves the priority to fight for a more just society, where our values are shared by all the people, companies and organizations that relate to us throughout the world, values such as commitment, respect, integration and sustainability, which they form the core of our business culture.

To this end, we invest a large part of our time and resources in developing initiatives that help us achieve this, fighting day by day because this goal becomes a reality. This is reflected in our way of acting, in caring for what surrounds us, in feeling and transmitting what really matters to us.

Patrocinador Oficial del equipo de natación C.D.Universidad de Granada.

Official sponsor of the swimming team C.D.Universidad de Granada.

The sport exemplifies in the best way what Herogra Especiales represents for society, for that reason we are proud to be part of this initiative, where besides promoting a healthy and more balanced life, we provide support to one of the most important institutions of our society, the University of Granada.

Collaborator with GranaDown through its Benefit Bullfighting Festival.

Helping minorities and promoting equality is essential to create the fairer society we are looking for, so we actively participate in the bullfighting festival for charity organized by GranaDown, contributing our bit to support this magnificent association.

Colaborador con GranaDown a través de su Festival Taurino Benéfico.
Colaborador con Argentata a través de la exposición Lucio Extra-Tour

Collaborator with Argentata through the exhibition Lucio Extra-Tour

Protect our environment, our land, our city is one of the most beautiful things we can do for society, so we collaborate with Argentata to preserve the variety of olive Lucio, first native variety of Granada and heritage of our province.

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